For every marketer or social media manager, Tips to boost lead conversions on social Media are extremely impertinent. Successful lead conversion can ensue as a valuable contact, opportunity or become a customer. However, if you have done all the right things which include leveraging paid advertising, used the right keywords and hashtags also, shared your message across different platforms effectively and still struggle with quality leads? Don’t worry your strategy might be on point but here are some useful tips that can get you to boost leads on social media:

Tip# 1: Use Oktopost and similar marketing tools

Advancement in technology has brought in a revolution with no means of stopping. Which is why for quality leads, business intelligence is your ultimate saviour. There are various marketing tools that can help boost traffic and provide quality leads. If you are relying on basic methods to ensue leads then that may be the problem your efforts aren’t reaping any benefits. One of the marketing tools that can help you significantly is ‘Oktopost’. This tool can help marketers to generate quality leads. For instance, if you publish your content on different social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter. Oktopost will track every post and their engagement. With its advanced analytics tool, it will collect social media metrics such as likes, comments, views and clicks. It will also indicate how your posts are performing. Furthermore, Oktopost will inform you promptly about customers looking for similar products and services like yours. This will greatly help you recognize quality leads and pursue them.

Tip# 2: Use the right social media platforms

If your marketing efforts go in vain, this may be because of employing every social media platform there is. It may seem like a great idea at first. But in general, deciding upon which social media platform to pursue is one of the biggest challenges. Every social media platform has a specific trend and purpose. To identify them every marketer needs a comprehensive analysis. Most social media platforms such as SnapChat and Instagram can offer secondary support. But may not be ideal as retail platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Instagram is a great platform to pursue influencers who can also help with quality lead conversions. The purpose may vary as per the nature of your business. 

Tip# 3: Gated Content is the key

Gated content refers to when marketers provide an incentive over a quality piece of information such as your contact/email ID. For instance, you need to download a case study online, before doing that the website might redirect you to a form to fill first. Once you fill it, your download is ready. The form and information provided are gated content. And this information is basically a quality lead. The primary purpose of gated content is generating quality leads. You can easily gather a lot of quality leads via social media. Make sure to share your content with a link to the form regularly. In this way, you will be able to garner a lot of traffic and ensue lead conversions.

Tips to boost lead conversions on social Media platforms may readily bring you lots of updates and features to market your products and services effectively. But with this, there is a lot of competition as well. The above three are great strategies that can help you with generating quality leads and also help with the competition you face. Make sure to devise techniques to tackle any issues effectively.